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Not Funded

Ended: March 8, 2024

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This campaign did not reach its minimum funding goal. Please allow 2-7 business days for all orders to be refunded.

Best sellers we think you'll like:

Rambley the Raccoon Plush


Dancing Dragon Plush

Cas van de Pol

Vince Dead Plate Plushie


Best sellers we think you'll like:

Rambley the Raccoon Plush


Dancing Dragon Plush

Cas van de Pol

Vince Dead Plate Plushie


Message from the Creator

You can now have the most powerful stuffed animal of all in your home. The very Matix plush that Carla used voodoo magic to make it come to life, now exclusively from the animated series to real life (we won't be responsible if it destroys an entire city)
Get the Shonen Boy Plush :D

Ya podes tener en tu casa el peluche mas poderoso de todos. El mismisimo Matix peluche con el que Carla uso magia vudú para que cobre vida, ahora en exclusiva de la serie animada a la vida real (no nos hacemos cargo si destruye una ciudad entera)
Adquiere el Peluche de Shonen Boy :D

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