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Ended: April 24, 2024

313 sold

156% Funded

Little Misfortune just dropped a new product. Grab it before it's gone! ✨

Little Misfortune 2.0 Plushie

Little Misfortune just dropped a new product. Grab it before it's gone! ✨

Little Misfortune 2.0 Plushie

Message from the Creator

Lurking in the shadows is Morgo the parasite. Large flocks of blackbirds arrive, being Morgo's eyes when he searches for his next prey. 🐦‍⬛

Children gone missing indicates that he has got his claws on his favorite food: confused little children who are in need for love. ❤️‍🩹

He feeds on pain, shame, and sadness. Inviting his victims to play dangerous games where he deforms their reality keeping them clueless of his real intentions until it's too late. 💀

For more amazing Little Misfortune
content, Click Here!


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