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Let's make the Fran Bow Vinyl Figure happen!

By: Fran Bow


Petition Ended: November 20, 2023

Goal not reached

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This petition did not reach its minimum goal of 200 supporters. Please allow 2-7 business days for all pledges to be refunded.


For a long time, many of you have asked if we ever are going to do figurines of Fran Bow! And now this dream could become a reality!


As we previously worked with Makeship on a couple of plushies, we got an opportunity to run this petition, to see if we, together with you guys, could make a vinyl figure happen. 


But before we can start, we need 500 people to pledge for the Fran Bow figurine in order to get the design and production going! 


We hope this opportunity sounds as exciting for you as it is for us! Let’s make this happen!

For any questions, please contact Makeship Customer Support